June 1, 2023

Starting the day off with thunder, lightning, and rain, which I absolutely love. Many instances of precipitation we get seem to happen in the middle of the night, or when I’m at work, so I can’t really enjoy it. But today I’m watching it and listening to it from the house, and that pleases me greatly.

I finally got to mow properly yesterday evening. Most people who passed by our house likely assumed we were participating in No Mow May, which, I’ll admit, I was not intentionally doing. It looks really tight now, which I prefer, but I also recognize that it would be better if we all just had prairie for front and back lawns instead. This goes back to my I shouldn’t read the news thing — I saw a headline titled “Earth is ‘really quite sick’ now and in danger in nearly all ecological ways”. What is someone to do when they read a headline like that? That’s pretty much saying that we’re screwed and there’s nothing that can be done. Of course, I could do better. That should really be my goal and forget about the noise.


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