Happy first day of spring! I’m getting in on the ground floor!
This weekend we saw a comedy show called “Bored Teachers” at Hoyt Sherman Place. It was entertaining, and I’ll take any excuse to go to that gorgeous auditorium. “Bored Teachers” consisted of stand-up comedians who are also school teachers, which was a unique concept. I was expecting more sketch humor perhaps, but any chance to get out for some fun is worth it. It was a surprisingly large crowd, too. Mostly teachers, I would surmise.
Jenn and I are discussing house plans, and we sat down for a serious discussion session at Culver’s. The discussion has to do with whether to stay in our current place, or find a new one. There are pros and cons to both, and we haven’t yet landed. But we’re getting close. I was pleased that we made real progress, it felt substantial.